Inka Altitude

Do I need to be fit to do one of your treks?

All of tours and treks (the Inca Trail, Humantay Lake, Rainbow Mountain, Salkantay trek , Ausangate etc.) are moderately difficult, but with a regular training before attend it you can do it.

Category: Humantay Lake

Humantay Lake in February
  • 30 January, 2024
  • Tony Vargas

Going to Humantay Lake during February can be an interesting idea, since it’s one of the less crowded seasons. But it’s also the time when Cusco tends to have the most rain. Is it still a good time to visit Humantay during this month or...

Humantay Lake in January
  • 30 January, 2024
  • Tony Vargas

Trying to find out the ideal time for visiting Humantay Lake can be tricky. Some months are ideal for visiting Humantay Lake, others are still great, but they need extra preparation. For most people, going to this place is a serene, out of this world...

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