Inka Altitude

Do I need to be fit to do one of your treks?

All of tours and treks (the Inca Trail, Humantay Lake, Rainbow Mountain, Salkantay trek , Ausangate etc.) are moderately difficult, but with a regular training before attend it you can do it.

Peru Travel Blog

Everything You Need To Know About Pisaq
  • 2 March, 2024
  • J J

Welcome to Pisaq, a charming little town nestled in the Sacred Valley that's like stepping into a living postcard from the Incan era! Imagine wandering through a place where every corner tells a story, where ancient ruins greet you with tales of a time long...

Discover the best time to visit Humantay Lake
  • 24 January, 2024
  • J J

Discover the best time to visit Humantay Lake The best time to visit Humantay Lake in Peru is during the dry season in the Peruvian Andes Mountains, which typically runs from April to November. During this time, the weather tends to be more stable and sunny...

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