Inka Altitude

Do I need to be fit to do one of your treks?

All of tours and treks (the Inca Trail, Humantay Lake, Rainbow Mountain, Salkantay trek , Ausangate etc.) are moderately difficult, but with a regular training before attend it you can do it.

Peru Travel Blog

Circuit 1 ,Montaña
All About Circuit 1 Ruta Montaña Machu Picchu
  • 4 July, 2024
  • Aracely

One of the best circuits in Machu Picchu 2024 has to be Ruta Montana, for a multitude of reasons. The route brings you right to that amazing spot where you can see a plethora of Machu Picchu pictures being taken. You get very close to...

machupicchu cusco
Machu Picchu: Essential Facts
  • 26 April, 2024
  • Aracely

The extravaganza and history offered by Machu Picchu are unlike anything in the world. Once you go to the local landmarks in Peru, you get to feel out of this world, with one of a kind places to explore and stunning locations. In addition, entering...

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 2025
  • 24 April, 2024
  • Aracely

The Inca Trail is famous for the scenery found in the local mountains, which is unlike anything else you can see in the country. And that’s what makes the Inca Trail so iconic, different and extremely appealing to any visitor coming into the country. It’s...

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